Chakra bracelets: each bead/color represents the 7 chakras and each has a powerful affirmation.
- Red/Root Chakra: I am safe and free from fear
- Orange/Sacral Chakra: I am creative and free from shame
- Yellow/Solar Plexus Chakra: I am confident and free from guilt
- Green/Heart Chakra: I am loved and free from grief
- Blue/Throat Chakra: I am expressive and free from lies
- Indigo/Third Eye Chakra: I am intuitive and free from illusion
- Purple/Crown Chakra: I am divine and free from ego
It's time to get back balanced and refocus on our best you.
*Cleansed and blessed in a smudging ceremony during the new moon by a bohemian gypsy hippie, various crystal beads, lava beads and other materials are intuitively chosen and infused with the intention to manifest what is most needed for your healing at this time.
Size: Elastic One size fits all
Made by and and with love from Faith.